Hello everyone – here’s my mid-month update on things going on in Superior. If there are other topics you’d like me to address or any questions you have, please leave a comment below.
As of January 2019, I now serve as the Town’s representative on the Board of Directors for the Rocky Flats Stewardship Council, which is a council of 10 local/county governments and 4 non-governmental members that was formed to provide oversight and a forum to voice concerns related to the management of the Rocky Flats site post-closure and cleanup.
At my first meeting in January, I raised the idea of bringing forward a motion opposing any and all oil and gas exploration and production (including hydraulic fracking) underneath the entire 6,200-acre Rocky Flats site. Regardless of where you stand politically on oil and gas issues, I hope that the Council will be able to coalesce on drawing a line against oil and gas development under a Superfund site that is contaminated with plutonium. I am surprised to learn that some members of the Council are opposed to my motion. Nevertheless, I have drafted it and will be submitting it to the Council for formal consideration at its next meeting on April 1. I will keep you informed about the status of the Motion as it develops.
You may have noticed some new additions to street signs in the area. Our Public Works Department has recently acquired new radar traffic counters which can be mounted on street sign poles or street light poles (see attached picture), which can collect speed and traffic volume data in a less intrusive manner than road tube counters or speed trailers.
One of our own residents, Sean Maday, has launched a website called Engaged Citizens (https://www.engagedcitizens.us), which creates searchable transcripts of all Town meetings. It’s an incredible resource if you are interested in finding information on a particular topic that may have been discussed before in the past. I use it frequently and think it’s incredibly useful. I encourage you all to check it out and to let Sean know what you think.
If you are looking for additional ways to stay informed about things going on around Town (when committees are meeting, what’s on the agenda for the next board meeting, etc…), here are some helpful ways to do so:
– e-Notifications (sign up for emails from the Town on any number of specific issues you are interested in): http://www.superiorcolorado.gov/services/enotification
– CAC Listserv (an un-moderated way to communicate directly with residents via email): http://www.superiorcolorado.gov/co…/community-bulletin-board
– Google Groups: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/superior-colorado-community-group
– Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperiorColorado/
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuperiorColorado
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/Superior_Colo
– Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/townofsuperior/