Hi everyone – here’s my mid-month update for things going on in Superior for August 2019.
This month Superior had its first major piece of public art installed in the roundabout located on McCaslin Blvd. and Main Street. This sculpture — entitled “Zephyr in Triptych” — was made by internationally-acclaimed artist Douwe Blumberg and is the first of many pieces of artwork that will be delivered as part of the Downtown Superior development.
One concern we have heard from a few residents is that funding artwork like this is a “waste of taxpayer dollars.” However, the Town is not paying for these projects. Instead, in the development agreements that were signed in connection with the approval of the Superior Town Center Planned Development, the developer agreed to earmark $2 million for architectural enhancements and artwork, which will be paid out of bond proceeds issued by the developer/districts associated with the Superior Town Center.
In addition, we’ve also heard some concerns about not being able to see through the roundabout — to traffic coming from the opposite direction — before proceeding through the roundabout. On various occasions, the Town Board has heard traffic engineers explain that roundabouts are designed and work better if you don’t see through to the traffic coming from the opposite direction. This allows the driver to focus on the traffic that is approaching from the side as you travel through the roundabout. If you notice throughout Town, most of our roundabouts are designed with landscaping in the middle for this very reason.
At the Town Board retreat on July 29, the Board made the decision that the Town of Superior would no longer use glyphosate (RoundUp) for spot treatment of weeds and will be exploring organic weed treatment solutions. For more information on weed management please visit our Town’s website:
There are a lot of road construction projects going on in Town. One question we’ve been asked is why these projects started so late in the summer/close to the start of school? The delays in the projects were in large part due to the cool, wet spring we had, which delayed our contractors — not just in Superior — but throughout the Front Range.
Here’s an update on where the projects currently sit:
On August 7, I accompanied the Superior Youth Leadership Council (SYLC) for a tour of the Colorado Supreme Court in Denver. This was a wonderful opportunity for our SYLC members. The Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center is a beautiful and remarkable building and is definitely worth visiting.
Last month, I started a new program called: “The Lowdown with Trustee Lacis.” The Lowdown is an opportunity for residents to meet with me one-on-one to talk about anything related to the Town of Superior. It’s been well-received and I’ve already had several great meetings with a number of different residents.
So… do you have questions about our Town? Would you like to discuss Town issues one-on-one? Are you someone who constantly criticizes our Town on social media? If you answered yes to any of the above, please email me at markl@superiorcolorado.gov and we’ll get a Lowdown scheduled. Of the four days/time I offered at the beginning of the month, the only timeslot still available is this Friday 8/16 @ 7:30am.
This is one of the most asked questions I receive as a member of the Town Board. The Town Board heard a concept plan from Morgan Ranch on April 8, 2019 — which is available through this link: http://townofsuperior.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?view_id=4&clip_id=1099.
Morgan Ranch has submitted a Final Development Plan to the Town, which should be scheduled to be considered by the Town Board in November/December. Please note that because this is a Quasi-Judicial Proceeding considering a Land Use Application, we are not allowed to discuss this application outside of an official Public Hearing. That said, for those who are interested in seeing what Downtown Superior is going to look like, you will definitely want to pay attention to this application this fall.
School is back in session this week. (School really should be starting after Labor Day… but I digress). This means you’ll see kids walking, riding bikes & scooters, and school buses… to and from Superior Elementary, Eldorado PK-8, and Monarch High School. Please remember to drive safely, watch for kids crossing the streets, and respect our crossing guards and stopped school buses.
The Superior Community and OhOh27 Facebook Groups are great forums to discuss issues pertinent to the Town of Superior. Please understand that the Town of Superior does not monitor or moderate any of these groups and not all Board members participate in these groups. And for those of us who try to be active, we don’t see every single post. So, if you want to make sure your voice is heard by your Town government, please email the Board of Trustees at townboard@superiorcolorado.gov. In addition, you can always call Town Hall at 303-499-3975 if you have questions. Also, it’s important to remember that we’re all part of the same community, and we should be civil and respectful towards each other…even on social media.